Sunday, April 14, 2013


I've got to be honest, being bold for Christ isn't always easy. It's a scary notion. It's an idea that I know to some, to many, sounds completely foolish and thus the potential ridicule is intimidating. The key is coming to terms with that and not being overly concerned about not having the proper answer to every question or the most convincing defense of one's faith. There's plenty of chances I've had to share the gospel in my life. In reality, we pretty much have that chance every day. Over the past few months, I've been feeling this recurring pull towards boldness and the need for just sharing the story of how Jesus changed my life. I've made mistakes. I still make them. I am so far from being perfect it's actually comical sometimes. But I have a hope and I'd love to talk about it.

So, as you sit and read this, if you've gotten this far ha, you're probably sitting in one of a few spots.

First, you may be thinking, "I didn't know Reed felt this strongly about this" or "what a weirdo" or "great, I liked this guy and now I know he's a Christian... dang it"... Let me say. I get it. I get where your coming from. Maybe you were in church at one point and were treated wrongly. Maybe you've never felt like God was real. Maybe you're angry with the circumstances of your life and think how could a loving God do bad things. Maybe you simply think it's bogus and stupid and it's foolish to believe in it. The reality is... The struggle of self-righteousness has existed since Christianity started. Jesus' primary foe was the overtly religious people. So if you either think it's dumb or you've been completely turned off by other Christians in the past, I am sorry to hear that and really I'd love to just to talk to you about it. I am stupid too. I am selfish. I am capable of hurting people and just because I am Christian does not make me perfect and anyone who makes Christianity out to be about self improvement is wrong. As my pastor Byron often says, church is not a place where the good people go to get better and stay away from the bad.

Second, you may be right there with me. You may feel that urge to. I hope you do. If you do, then maybe my story can be an encouragement to your faith. Christ is real. His work is real. The Spirit is undeniable once you feel his presence. Where before you thought it just sounded like a familiar but truly odd story and you reasonably questioned how anyone could actually believe in it, now it's become a reality to you. What an exciting truth huh? For me, it happened with the most clarity on the back deck in a bible study with one of my buddies. At some point it breaks you down and then it just keeps breaking you down. I'm sure you can relate.

Third, maybe you believe it but feel you need to take it slow or need some direction. If that's the case, then maybe my story can help too. I won't pretend that I have some incredible wisdom. But I do know I can talk honestly about it, about the mistakes I've made and about how I've grown in my understanding of grace and my need of saving.

So... if it strikes you at all and you want to hear more. Let me know. Or if you just have a question and you'd love to just hear my opinion, I'll share that too. I'm an open book. Flip on through.

1 Peter 2:9 (ESV) - "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

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