Quick note here. Need your help!
My friend Austin Adams has released a Christmas EP that has two songs that we wrote together on it. One of them, "The Holidays Are Here Again." has drawn some attention from the FISH FM. They have it on their website right now for "pre-spin." They measure the popularity of the song by how many "points" are merited from it.
If a song get enough points on the site, they will start spinning it on the radio! So this is where you come in!
1. Go to www.94fmthefish.net and click on "fish family rewards" (its the big blue box on the right side)
2. Sign up for "fish family rewards" or login with your Facebook Account!
3. Once you've signed up, click on or mouse over on "Get Points" and look for the section "Music and More"
4. Then click on the song and listen to a clip of "The Holidays Are Here Again"---Rate it (high, preferably)---- Then click:"Submit"
I hate to sign up for things, so I get it, trust me! But it really would help us out if you could!